Thursday, September 13, 2012

Did those Eckenrodes disappear?!?!

Woah, does it feel like forever to anyone else since the last time that I wrote a blog? Hmmm, June 18th, yeah, I think that qualifies as forever! haha
I am working on a post for my summer adventures, but I am being too picky about the words that I am choosing, so that hasn't gotten done yet...."Please hold" LOL

School has been back in session for three weeks now and I finally feel that my brain is ready to begin thinking like a working teacher again! I guess with the summer going by so fast and filled with SO many adventures and activities, I definitely was not as ready as I usually am for the beginning of the school year to begin again. I am sure this is not new info either (she was telling anyone who would listen), but Maddy was definitely feeling the same. Maddy has 7 weeks of summer before the beginning of August rolls around and she begins band camp. Three of those weeks, she was on vacation with various family members. Yep, she was definitely one "busy bee" this summer! She has always been a child who has enjoyed learning and school but her feet were dragging as much as mine those first few days as she began her sophomore year of high school (can I get a "HOLY COW" from y'all? haha)

Dan is such a solid rock in our household. He has been dutifully going to work day in and day out (except for those three days where he was down and out with that virus that is going around right now) and so it seems like nothing is new with him because he doesn't get to start a new school year like Maddy and I do, but nothing could be further from the truth... He has been a "busy bee" in his own rights starting and finishing some awesome new projects around our house

I hope to get into a better routine and write more often to all of you :-) I hear lots of compliments from friends and family who like to read our family blog (it is especially nice for those who live across the miles who we don't get to see very often)